- Type: TV
- Studio: Planet 55 Studios
- Publish Date 2016-09-19
- Status: Completed
- Genre: Action Adventure Animation Sci-Fi
- Scores: 2.53 by 4,405 reviews
- Duration: 25 min
- Views: 90
Prisoner Zero
Planet 55 Studios is excited to announce that we are producing a 26 part science fiction action adventure show “Prisoner Zero” for ABC3. Prisoner Zero is a fast-paced, animated sci-fi, action-adventure series following the exploits of teen heroes, Tag and Gem, and their mysterious friend Prisoner Zero. The series follows our heroes as they journey across the cosmos in the spaceship Rogue to battle the evil Imperium. The Imperium have enslaved humanity and taken control of the population via a digital system wired into every cell of their bodies. Tag and Gem’s mission is clear: stop the Imperium and free humanity.