- Type: ONA
- Studio: Haoliners Animation League
- Publish Date 2015-07-23
- Status: Completed
- Genre: Action Animation Comedy Fantasy Romance Sci-Fi
- Scores: 2.53 by 4,405 reviews
- Duration: 16 min
- Views: 476
Chu Feng: B.E.E
"Chu Feng: B.E.E" (also known as "Hinabachi: BEE") is a Chinese anime series that aired in 2015. The series is set in the year 2025 when Earth is attacked by unknown creatures called the BUG. In response to this threat, a school called B.E.E is established to train warriors who can fight these invaders. The story focuses on a young girl named Bai Yuechu who prefers to avoid fighting despite being talented. She soon meets a mysterious girl named Tuo Tuo from the supernatural Rain Tribe. The two end up forming an unlikely partnership, training and battling together to protect Earth from the BUG. "Chu Feng: B.E.E" is an action-packed series that combines elements of sci-fi and fantasy. It explores themes such as friendship, courage, and the struggle to find one's purpose. It also offers a glimpse into Chinese animation, which has its unique storytelling techniques and visual style.