- Type: TV
- Studio: DLE
- Publish Date 2011-06-29
- Status: Completed
- Genre: Animation Comedy Shounen
- Scores: 2.53 by 4,405 reviews
- Duration: 4 min
- Views: 405
"Double-J" is a comedy anime series that aired in 2011 as part of the Yuruani? programming block on NHK. The anime is based on a manga written by Eiji Nonaka (the author of "Cromartie High School") and follows a group of high school students who are part of a club dedicated to traditional Japanese arts. This Cultural Activity Preservation Club, or "Bunkakei Hozon-Bu," undertakes various missions to protect and promote traditional Japanese culture. However, the club is seen as a place for students who don't fit in elsewhere, and the members have a knack for turning even the most straightforward tasks into chaotic and comedic situations. They're led by the energetic and eccentric president, a girl named Maria, who is determined to bring glory to the club.