- Type: TV
- Studio: Strawberry Meets Pictures
- Publish Date 2018-01-09
- Status: Completed
- Genre: Action Animation Comedy Fantasy
- Scores: 2.53 by 4,405 reviews
- Duration: 8 min
- Views: 392
"gdMen" is a short-form, comedic anime series that aired in 2018. This series is created by Sanrio, the company known for creating Hello Kitty, and is part of a project aimed at older audiences. The show takes place in a world where "Gudetama-like" creatures, known as gdMen, battle each other in "gdMental" puzzle games. Each gdMan is accompanied by a human partner. The story primarily follows the light-hearted adventures of the protagonist and his lazy gdMan, who resembles an egg yolk. Despite its seemingly simplistic concept, "gdMen" incorporates numerous quirky elements and humor, resulting in an entertaining and whimsical series.