- Type: TV
- Studio: Studio Deen
- Publish Date 2013-10-07
- Status: Completed
- Genre: Animation Comedy Slice of Life
- Scores: 2.53 by 4,405 reviews
- Duration: 23 min
- Views: 399
"Meganebu!" is a slice-of-life, comedy anime series that aired in 2013. The title is a portmanteau of "megane" (glasses) and "club", reflecting the show's central theme. The series revolves around a group of five boys who are part of a school club dedicated to all things related to glasses. The members are Akira Soma, the passionate club president; Mitsuki Kamatani, the intelligent vice president; Yukiya Minabe, a gifted yet mysterious mechanic; Takuma Hachimine, a cheerful and carefree member; and Hayato Kimata, the club's enthusiastic freshman recruit. The boys are not just fans of glasses; they are fanatically obsessed with them. Their dream is to develop a pair of X-ray glasses that can see through anything. Each episode follows their amusing everyday adventures and the comedic situations they find themselves in as they pursue this goal.