- Type: TV
- Studio:
- Publish Date 2003-10-06
- Status: Completed
- Genre: Animation Comedy
- Scores: 2.53 by 4,405 reviews
- Duration: 4 min
- Views: 418
Ocha-ken: Chokotto Monogatari
"Ocha-ken: Chokotto Monogatari" is a slice-of-life anime series that first aired in 2003. It's part of the "Ocha-ken" franchise which revolves around a group of tea puppies - characters that are a mix of tea ingredients and dogs. In "Ocha-ken: Chokotto Monogatari," the series centers on the tea puppies: Ryoku, a Sencha puppy; Matcha, a powdered green tea puppy; and Moegi, a yellow tea puppy. Along with the rest of their friends, these puppies experience the simple and sweet adventures of everyday life. The "Ocha-ken" franchise is unique for its blend of soothing themes and cute characters. This series specifically, with its episodic nature, presents an array of warm-hearted stories that touch on friendship, fun, and the small joys of life, perfect for a young audience or anyone seeking a relaxing and cute anime experience.