- Type: TV
- Studio: Millepensee
- Publish Date 2016-04-12
- Status: Completed
- Genre: Animation Comedy Slice of Life Sports
- Scores: 2.53 by 4,405 reviews
- Duration: 3 min
- Views: 294
"Usakame" is a comedy anime series that serves as a spin-off of the popular manga and anime franchise "Teekyuu." The series follows the daily lives and comical antics of four high school girls who are members of the Usakame High School's tennis club. The main characters of "Usakame" are Ayako, Yuri, Nishi, and Konami, energetic and enthusiastic girls who have a passion for tennis. However, their love for the sport often takes a backseat as they find themselves getting caught up in absurd and hilarious situations. From bizarre training exercises to outrageous tennis matches, the girls navigate through their high school lives with an entertaining blend of comedy and sports-related shenanigans. The series embraces a fast-paced and gag-driven style of humor, characterized by rapid-fire dialogue, visual gags, and exaggerated reactions. Episodes are short and concise, with quick punchlines and absurd scenarios that keep the comedic momentum going. "Usakame" often employs non-sequitur humor and surreal elements to create a whimsical and unpredictable atmosphere. While "Usakame" primarily focuses on comedy, it also showcases the growth and camaraderie among the characters. The girls learn important lessons about teamwork, dedication, and the value of friendship as they strive to improve their tennis skills and overcome various challenges together.