- Type: Movie
- Studio: Red Post Studio National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts Vista Sur Films S.r.l. Red Post - Vista Sur S.R.L. Grindstone Entertainment Group Simka Entertainment
- Publish Date 2012-10-11
- Status: Completed
- Genre: Adventure Animation Family
- Scores: 2.53 by 4,405 reviews
- Duration: 87 min
- Views: 299
A Mouse Tale
Animation from Peru and Argentina is called A Mouse Tale. Two bats come across Sebastian and his group in the movie when they are dozing. Sebastian is awakened when they pick him up. He is hung over their lips by one bat, who begs them not to consume him. Sebastian is spoken to by the bat before being tossed into the air and caught in its mouth. Sebastian enters the bat's stomach, which grows incredibly fat as it eats him whole.